Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Sometimes I purposely relax in a manmade, lazy river 
and loop around and around.
I never get anywhere; because, I do not want to try.   
It is a fun diversion and a treat.
However, too many loops around and around 
will change fun into craziness.

Sometimes my mindset gets stuck in a low energy loop.

I’m not able to just float with the current for very long.
I quickly develop the need to swim.

I rested in the shallow water. 
Now it is time to plunge into a cross training discipline.    

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mulling Spices

Mulling is an interesting experience.
I just throw some ingredients together
and then purposefully let them simmer.
An aroma is released that quickly fills the house.
The predictable results permeate the space.
The very atmosphere is changed.

The process of mulling things over in our minds
also produces foreseeable effects.

Of course, using a good recipe is crucial.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Extraordinary Sprint

If my sister had tripped, then she would have been swimming with a dolphin.
But, she did not trip.  She ran with wild abandon along the sandy bank.
The dolphin kept the same pace, surfaced frequently, 
and made a gentle puff sound from its blowhole.
Some children joined with them near the end of the impromptu, 
frolicking race.

My other sister, our mom, and I vicariously enjoyed the show.
In our hearts, we silently applauded 
the unexpected gift of an extraordinary sprint.

I thank God for the thrill of childlike wonder 
being a lifelong pursuit and adventure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spur of the Moment

The cool breeze had discouraged the normal crowds from gathering.
But, we have happily replaced our handy ice scrapers 
with emergency beach chairs.
So, last weekend, we enjoyed an impromptu picnic on the beach.

Each place that we have lived has provided special locations 
for spontaneous enjoyment.
Some of my favorite places had to be searched for 
before they could be treasured.
The trick is to take advantage of the opportunities 
and not take them for granted.

With a thankful heart, 
I’m remembering and savoring settings that I will always cherish.

Monday, April 11, 2016


This morning, I was reminded of an old poem of mine.
(I’ve shared it before.)

I know the Lord wants me to consider my part
in the local church, body that He has blessed me with.


Consider the appendix -
not an attractive thing.
Without known function
it just sits there
absorbing life
without working to sustain it.
It’s only claim to fame
is that it can rupture
- threatening the health of the body.
Thank you Lord
that in the body of Christ,
your church,
there is no appendix.
Help me Lord
not to act like one. 

                                    Julie Lynn