Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The monotony of morning routines can grow wearisome.
My mind tends to go on autopilot when I do not pay attention.
This morning I could feel myself slipping into a bored attitude.

One glance at the sky waylaid my tedious thoughts.

I stopped moving and my heart started soaring.
Some sunrises summon simultaneous thankfulness and praise.

I will have a glorious day!

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Possibilities emerge.
Adventurous notions collide.
Understanding hovers within reach.
An idea is forming a smile in my psyche.
A new shade is joining the tapestry of my life.
A thread of thought is being woven into my mind.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Picturesque Embrace

The inlet, that is usually choppy with activity, resembles a mirror.
A low bank of clouds are reflected downward
forming a picturesque embrace of a sliver of sand.
In the stillness, I’m reminded of God’s Glory reflected in His creation.

Soon the tide will turn and the waves will rush in.
The sandbar will disappear from view.
But, for now, I’m taking a quiet stroll in my imagination
along the secluded sanctuary.