Thursday, March 9, 2017

Natural Order

I stopped by a lake today.
Ducks were feasting on a banquet that waited just below the surface.
God provided. My heart applauded.

I’m not sure why I struggle to get all of my ducks in a row.
That is not the natural order of things.

I will rest where God leads me each day.
I will feast on His bountiful provision.
I will rejoice.  My heart will applaud with thanksgiving.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Traces of the sunrise linger.
Thin branches, silhouetted against a baby blue sky,
display an abundance of newly budding leaves.
A young male Cardinal confidently bursts forth in song.
His bright red plumage defies the shadows
and reflects the glory of a new day.

I’m embracing the approaching season of new growth.
I’m absorbing the peace of promised provision.

I will sing a new song ….