Thursday, February 26, 2015


I heard screaming and looked out the window to investigate.
I’m not talking about a blood curdling, call 911, cry for help.
This was a shrieking and screeching gang of Common Grackle.
The Red-tailed Hawk, in the center of the attack, did not seem to care.
He was not concerned with their squawking or their mob mentality.
I have watched my friend hunt, fly through, and perch around here.
He was still setting his own pace and allowed them to escort him.

Social behavior can be fun to watch.  Bravado can be quite comical.

The experience reminded me of high school hallways.
The loudest and most annoying are seldom the strongest.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Context Please

A little bird told me (Ecc 10:20) to explain about a quirky list that I’m keeping.
My words are on the tip of my tongue (Job 33:2) and need to be shared.
Like a drop in a bucket (Is 40:15), I will only write a few examples.

Many common sayings can be found in the Bible.
I have a running list with over forty entries.

It is easy to take scripture out of context and use it loosely.
Wisdom comes with understanding what is true and what is twisted.

Smooth talk (Pr 7:21) is like the blind leading the blind (Matt 15:14).

Monday, February 23, 2015

Impromptu Picnic

We love going to the lake and enjoying impromptu picnics.
This Saturday we enjoyed our breakfast sandwiches and then took a walk.
We sipped our coffee and thanked God for the lack of wind chill.

We took a long hike off a short pier.  It was awesome.
The snow, covering the very thick ice, crunched under our feet.
The adventure stirred up old memories of ice skating on frozen ponds.
Thankfully, we did not do any slipping, sliding, or spinning.

Before the thaw, we will go back and take pictures.
My husband and I plan to picnic on the lake gazing at the shore.
We put beach chairs in the car to prepare for the occasion.

We thank God for creative ways to thrive during harsh seasons.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


The plan may not be revealed,
but it will be implemented. 
Preparing the inner man is vital. 
Rushing causes instability:
timing is crucial. 
we do not control
the speed, or direction,
of change. 
The LORD God does
the choosing, molding,
and firing. 
This lump of clay
will be formed
into a vessel
for His glory. 
His purpose prevails.

                             Julie Lynn

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Social Cues

A procession of deer passed through a clearing, one at a time.
They seemed to be imitating the behavior of the leader.

A doe stopped after walking through the clearing in the woods.
She looked back over her right shoulder and seemed to listen attentively.
She looked forward, paused, and then looked over her left shoulder.
The next doe entered the clearing and walked to where her sister had been.
She copied the one preceding her and the last doe responded by joining her.
Did each one in line send and follow signals?
My mind processed the pattern too slowly for me to be sure.

Each community operates with subtle communications.

I’m learning to read the local signals in my own environment.
Praying for discernment shortens the process.
Listening to Holy Spirit enables me to maintain my daily walk.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Annoyance Diverted

The deer are making fresh tracks in the snow.
Their backs are getting dusted with white powder.

The Blue Jay is screaming in the tree tops.
Maybe he is singing.  I would be screaming.
The large woodpecker is ignoring him either way.

This winter weather wonder land is getting tiresome.

Yes, it is still beautiful. Yes, it is warm in my tree house.
Yes, I’m sheltered from the storm.  Yes, I have food.
Yes, I’m grumbling. Yes, I need an attitude adjustment.

Thankfully, my Heavenly Father knows my heart
and will forgive my little pity party.
It is time to pray and get on with the day.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Scenic Route

Over a decade ago, before we owned cell phones or a GPS,
our oldest son called home for help.

He was lost.

He explained how he had taken the wrong exit
and ended up in an unfamiliar place.
I had him describe his surroundings to me.
I instantly knew where he was
and shared how to get to where he needed to be.

Thankfully, I had been lost there before!

Some lessons are learned by making and correcting mistakes.
Sometimes frustrating situations are just little detours
that will end up blessing us and others.

I often take the scenic route.