Thursday, July 31, 2014

Concerted Stretches

With obedience, I embraced the stretching process.  

Concerted effort, applied with the correct amount of force, began to loosen the tightness.  Knowing that a good stretch must be held to be effective, I decided to focus and work with the course of action.  After weeks of hard work, I suddenly became more flexible.  

 The same method works for physical stretching, too.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Safe Haven

It’s time to flit around the nest with a critical eye.  
Building a list of complaints is not on the agenda.    
Yet, repairs need to be made.
Clear out the clutter.   
Cultivate comfort.   
Pray for peace and protection.   
Provide a safe haven of joy and refreshment.   

Sing a new song of thankfulness.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Foul Thought

A thought was placed among my own.  I was distracted while it hatched.  I started to nurture it.  Allowing it to steal time and energy from my life, the parasite started to grow.  Thankfully, I noticed the different attributes before I taught it to fly.  

I was not created to harbor foul thoughts.   

I kicked it out of my nest and attended to my own business.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Evil Triplets

Would Have, Could Have, and Should Have are a set of evil triplets.  Even when they whisper, they are obnoxious and disorderly.  Never invite them over.  Never entertain them, not even individually.  Remove the welcome mat when you hear them approaching your threshold.   

It is so much more peaceful to step out with Faith, Trust, and Forgiveness.   

Thank you, Jesus, for healthy conversations, even with myself.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Misty Dawn

I’m not a morning person.  But, I love foggy mornings that shroud the hills with moisture.

The horizon is a distorted, misty outline.  This view reminds me that visual awareness does not equal reality.

The dawn of revelation approaches.  

Friday, July 25, 2014


Today, be more like a cumulus cloud.  Absorb life.  Refresh others.  Provide a respite from the heat.  Sprinkle nourishment in parched places.  Gauge correctly how much to share.

Flash floods are to be avoided.  A warning should not sound when you approach.  Do not produce thunderstorms.